Wednesday, December 2, 2009


Susan Beacham is a family finance expert and founder of Money Savvy Generation and her tools like Money Savvy Pig can really help you to raise money savvy kids. Check out this video from Dr. Phil show

I have this Money Savvy Pig at home and I/we gave it as a gift to few special kids in our lives already. It is an amazing tool to learn from.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Did you hear about Suze Orman New SAVE YOURSELF RETIREMENT PROGRAM

The 2009 Gracie Awards Gala

I think Suze Orman is one of the smartest financial people out there, I am new in Usa but I had been following her even in Europe and she really gives you a lot of good informations. The new thing is her SAVE YOURSELF RETIREMENT PROGRAM check it out it is amazing .....

Thursday, July 23, 2009


The economic times we are living in right now can be turn into a great lession for our kids and us for the long term. Recession hit almost all the people around us one way or another: some lost their jobs, others their savings, for some people their companies slash their wages, many didn't have any emergency funds,....

This woke up many people around the world and some will wake up in next days. All those people who didn't have savings, no emergency funds, were spending more that they earn, living beyond their means have to change some things now and reall deal with reallity. And let's hope we all learn from it too.

Let this situation and recession be a lession for all of us. But lets not stop here lets include kids too. Children can learn from this recession too and be prepared if or better when this happens in the future again.

Talk with kids about the recession and share what you are learning from it. Explain to your children that recession has changed some things for people and that a lot of people have less money that they had before recession so they have to start being money smart. Their choices have to become smarter and they have to think about what is really important for them.

Kids are very smart and they notice all the changes on their own so ask them for their opinion about recession. If you didn't talk about savings before with your kids this is the right time to intruduce the importance of saving to them and buy a first piggy bank for them. Start saving as a family, find things you can do for free, shop smart, ask yourself before you buy something do i really need it, use coupons, buy on sales, include comparison shopping,... Use this to start money education your children.

Explain to your kids that no matter how hard the situation is there are people who have less that what we have and that they should always be thankful. We all need money in our lives every day and we have to work for it and earn it. But make it sure your kids know that some things are more important that money and things. Love, family, friends, shared moment, .. and the most important in life and they are free.

be sure you also assure your kids that everything will be ok and recession will be over but that they have to remember the lession for the future. We all have to. Also let them know you will take care of them.

Use this recession as a lession and take care

Monday, July 13, 2009


I think that every parent out there wants to offer the best education for the kids - in and out of school. This days there is so much opportunities for that everywhere and some things are really amazing.

I found one website of a company that has really good products and I want to share it with all of you. It is about empowering kids for a healthy financial future. Kids and money are my favorite topics to talk about beside tennis and this website has a focus on teaching kids how to succeed. It gives you different products that can help you with money education for your kids from piggy banks, books, allowance chart,.. It also has a cute factor what always helps with kids.

The new e-book they are promoting is about The Power of Earning that can teach your kid how to open, run and operate their own business. Maybe some people think that business orintated education is not really for kids but i think that they can only gain from it personaly.

So here is a another good link for all interested in kids education

Let's help New Generation to be the best they can!


Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Money inetractive website for kids

I love kids and i love finances so i am trying to conect both. I found another website - interactive one - that i recomend for parents. It is fun and educational at the same time. Kids in my opinion learn more thru fun games. GIVE IT A TRY. Here it is:

take care


I found an amazing website with some great tools for teaching kids about money. You can read all about it but basicaly it is about transformation from old piggy banks to the new generation piggy banks. Now those are not only for SAVINGS anymore but have 4 main purposes: SPEND, SAVE, DONATE and INVEST. I really recomend it to all the parents that want to help their kids to become money smart.

Of course you can make your own version at home too - maybe with 4 different boxes of jars. You can buy 4 piggy banks and write on the SPEND, SAVE, DONATE and INVEST. Just use the this GREAT idea and let's teach new generation how to have the best posible relationship with their money.

I already bought few of them. For the reason of giving education too the kids i know about beeing money savvy but also due to how cute those piggy banks are. They offera lot of advices about how to aproach it all too. I just wanted to spead the word around.


All the parents you have to check this one - MUST for kids to be money smart!

Saturday, May 30, 2009


Teaching kids about money is important and it is your job parents to teach your kids how to create a good relationship with their money.

Some people are asking themselfs when is the right time to start teaching kids about the money? Guess what - it is never to early is all i can say to that. As soon as you are able to communicate with your child and when kids start to participate in communication with their own words you can start thier money education.

Piggy banks are here from ever and kids more then just like them. But before you start teaching your kids about savings, credit cards, bank accounts and all other money related topics, you should start at the start. Get your child to get to know the money first. Show them all the coins and bills. Make them play with it. For kids everything is a game if you make it a game. And games and playing are FUN and teaching thru fun is much more affective when you are dealing with kids. For example make kids draw different bills, they can count the money, play store with them,... and just start slowly and give kids the time to get to know money first.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009


Maybe it is because I am an economist, but i like talking money. And because many people are feeling the effects of this financial crisis this days, many of them are realizing how important it is to have the right relationship with their money. So no better time then now to talk money.

Many people are in trouble right now because they bought something they couldn't afford (like a house). Many people were living on credit cards--some lost their jobs and not many had emergency funds. In some cases people were doing everything right but still lost a lot of their money due to the drop of the market.

I hope we all learn from this and start living our lifes in the smart way--but mostly let's teach our kids (New Generation) what kind of relationship they should have with their money (from from their early ages). Let's help them to become money smart adults--and competent investor's.